Decolonizing multimodal anthropology and the politics of collaboration
Master Class by Arjun Shankar (Georgetown University)
Master Class by Arjun Shankar, 19 January 2021
Dr. Arjun Shankar is an anthropologist, critical pedagogue, and mediamaker. As a visual anthropologist and ethnographic filmmaker, he has been interested in developing decolonial participatory visual methodologies and in multimodal evaluation and publishing. He has primarily focused on the neocolonial politics of representation, global circulation, and reception of the "impoverished" and "suffering" child figure - and on new multimodal methods as alternatives to these paradigms.
As a current editor with the multimodal section of American Anthropologist and an advocate for Curiosity Studies, Shankar asks questions about the possibilities of non-textual knowledge production and challenges us to think anew about scholarship, pedagogies, and the political role of the academician.
During this online Master Class, Shankar will lead a conversation with students and staff of the CEU and University of Vienna. He will elaborate on the import of decolonial methodologies in multimodal anthropology, and support participants in pursuing collaborative research practices.
When: Tuesday 19 January 2021, 5.30 p.m.
Where: Zoom
For whom: students and staff of the CEU and University of Vienna
Master Class series:
New media practices for social research
Following the CEU’s move to Vienna, the Vienna Visual Anthropology Lab (VVAL) of the University of Vienna joined force with the Visual Studies Platform (VSP) of the Central European University to initiate a series of online master classes on NEW MEDIA PRACTICES FOR SOCIAL RESEARCH. The series brings students and staff from both institutes together with international experts to deepen exchange and reflection on key themes discussed in current Master courses on visual and multimodal anthropology. The sessions include lectures, screenings, and workshops to offer participants new ways of conceptualizing as well as practicing research.
January 2021
Decolonizing multimodal anthropology and the politics of collaboration
March 2021
May 2021
Ecography: anthropological films and climate change
November 2021