About VVAL

The Vienna Visual Anthropology Lab is a hub for visual and multimodal anthropology at the University of Vienna. 

The Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology has a long tradition in supporting ethnographic filmmaking and photography, and currently offers a variety of courses in visual and multimodal anthropology. 

The Vienna Visual Anthropology Lab supports staff and students of the department in implementing media practices in research and education. It offers an audio-visual equipment library, organizes Master Classes to discuss developments in the field, and creates opportunities for students to develop media projects in the city in collaboration with socially engaged partners.

The audio-visual equipment library includes camera's, editing stations, audio recorders with various microphones, and a growing set of tools to support smartphone-based media productions. The equipment can be borrowed for study or research purposes, upon appointment. Manuals and some instruction videos are available on Moodle. For technical advice, the coordinator Paul Katterl is available in the Lab (room A0421 of the fourth floor of the NIG) during office hours. For questions about research and education, please contact the VVAL director Sanderien Verstappen.

Office Hours

Tuesday: 11:30 - 16:30

Wednesday: 11:30 - 16:30

or by appointment: video.ksa@univie.ac.at

T: +43-1-4277-495 55


Room A0421, 4th floor

Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology

Neues Institutsgebäude (NIG)

Universitätsstraße 7