Digital video exhibition: “Politics of (In)visibility” (2022)

This exhibition contains 11 experimental films that were created by Master students in anthropology, during the course “The Politics of (In)visibility” at the University of Vienna. The assignment was to “express theory through film”, and to take theoretical inspiration from the course literature about the concept of (in)visibility – in the fields of anthropology, sociology, gender studies, migration studies, and studies of the state. Students  conducted visual research on a topic of choice, and, with their collected images, implemented techniques of montage to create a short argumentative film about their research findings.

This exhibition was opened on June 21st 2022 at the courtyard of the Volkskundemuseum. The films were made accessible through posters with QR codes, so that audiences could watch them on their own smartphones.

This event was made possible by our partners at the Volkskundemuseum and the Mostothek, especially Reinhold Schachner and Susanne Efthimiou and the exhibition team: Sanderien Verstappen, Viktoria Paar, Helen Vaaks, Lauren Wagner, Hanna Tröger, Vadym Yeremiichuk, Pavle Milovanovic, Lorenz Eimansberger, Marin Secret.

To see the films click here.